Current Patient Health Packages
Research has proven that when you are committed for at least 60 days,
you start to see cellular renewal leading to noticeable positive changes in your health.
Research has also proven that when you fully commit beyond 120 days, you will undergo a maximum health transformation
and reverse any chronic conditions you are experiencing. This allows us the necessary time to fully restore your
cells back to health, as well as, rewire your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Each health appointment will last about 60 minutes.
Here are a lot of the things we will be addressing (and so much more depending on
what your body needs to come to a state of ease, peace, wholeness, and resiliency:
~Gut Healing strategies
~Immune system balancing
~Proper cellular detoxification
~Connecting the heart to the mind and brain and to every cell
~Learning how to use food as medicine and learning what your body needs at different times
~Working on proper breathing and different breathing techniques for the nervous system and mind healing
~Nervous system balancing, regulation, and creating a resilient nervous system
~Learning how to create a coherent energy field and expand your energy field
~Learning how to surrender and let go of low frequency emotions
~How to feel confident in your body and who you are created to be
~Learning how to truly LOVE and embody unconditional Love
~Learning how to feel safe and grounded within the body
~Bringing a sense of curiosity and flow to life
~Reconnection back to the your true self
~Healing the Mind to heal the body
~Creating healthy boundaries
~AND so much more!
*(Investment plans available)